Menu Terrace Lounge
Menu exclusivo de Terça a Domingo
Exclusive menu from Tuesday to Sunday
15:30 às 18:30
3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Menu Exclusivo de Sexta a Domingo
Exclusive menu from Friday to Sunday
15:30 às 17:30
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
cone de alga com arroz / seaweed cone with sushi rice
Cubos de peixe com molho picante japonês, sementes de sésamo, cebolinho e alho francês / Diced fish with kimuchi sauce, sesame seeds, chives and leek
Uramaki 8 pcs.
Pizza caco €8
Sliced “Caco” bread with tomato sauce, cheese, ham, cherry tomato and oregano
Hamburguer bafureira €16
Hambúrguer de novilho com queijo cheddar, bacon, cebola caramelizada, tomate, alface e molho BBQ / beef burger, cheddar cheese, bacon, caramelized onion, tomato, letuce, BBQ sauce with french fries
Hamburguer beach club €18
Hambúrguer novilho com bacon, cebola caramelizada, cogumelos, ovo estrelado, alface e tomate / beef burger, bacon, caramelized onion, cheddar cheese, mushrooms, fried egg with french fries
Hamburguer malhão €16
Hamburguer de salmão com tomate, alface, queijo philadelfia e molho teriyaki / salmon burger, letuce, tomato, cream cheese, teriyaki sauce on beet bread with french fries and green salad
Sandwiche Dona Ana €15
Carne desfiada com queijo cheddar, maionese e molho BBQ / Roasted pork, cheese, aioli and BBQ sauce toast with crisps